Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Woman's body found in Killarney Heights

AAP is reporting that a woman's body was found in the bush in Killarney Heights on Tuesday.

It's possible that it was dislodged by the recent heavy rain where Forestville recorded the highest rainfall on Sunday in all of Sydney.

killarney body.png

Whatever the story, it's great to see Killarney Heights in the news.

Monday, October 26, 2009

No news on Lenny the missing rabbit

Despite a fantastic effort by the family of Lenny the rabbit, there is no news as to his whereabouts.


We will continue to follow this breaking news story.

Annoying billboard removed from Starkey Street

I'm pleased to report that the annoying billboard placed on Starkey street just near the school crossing has finally been removed.


The "specialised equipment" they speak of appears to be an old tractor tire.