Sunday, June 30, 2019

Starkey Street Safety upgraded with more crossings

The road race track we call Starkey street is being upgraded with more crossings.

No longer will pedestrians have to walk to a crossing as soon there will be one every 10m along the length of Starkey street.

Convenient traffic lights will help to slow the traffic before it gets to one of the projected 300 crossings.

Given that many drivers mount the curb in Tralee Ave and have repeatedly smashed the fence one wonders if all of this visual distraction will help or hinder.

Friday, June 21, 2019

4G congestion in Killarney to be resolved, no 5G yet

Work is underway to upgrade 4G cellular coverage in Killarney Heights. Note that this is not a 5G upgrade but rather extra 4G capacity running on the low 700MHz band.

The upgrade was prompted by congestion on the existing 4G in our area.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Le blog de Killarney passe au français

Il est clair que la banlieue parle maintenant principalement la belle langue française et naturellement ce blog changera afin de répondre aux demandes de notre public.

mon aéroglisseur est plein d'anguilles.

That's handy!