Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Power outage returns Killarney to the dark ages

A falling branch on December 29 in Connemara Avenue causes a short circuit between two phases leading to spectacular sparks further down the road.

Neighbours emerged from their houses to compare notes. It seems many of us now have more than one phase connected and did not suffer a complete outage.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Local Member Part II

Mr Jimmy - local resident and follower of the political scene, writes:

The Honourable Tony Abbott, our local member (at least for the time being) and former Dear Leader of the Liberal party has once again been the target of an unprovoked knife attack by a cabal of colleagues in the normally quiet surrounds of Canberra. Trusted (sic) lieutenant Julie Bishop was sent in to "shirt front" the PM, as he was then, and invite him to convene a sociable soiree with all of his closest mates. The rest is history. King Kong is dead and his urbane successor promises "advocacy, not slogans" which has now been repeated so often on every TV and radio channel across the country that it surely qualifies as the first de facto slogan of the Turnbull regime.

Several close confidants of Mr Abbott are reportedly considering their options following their leader's sudden fall from grace. Western Australian funny man Senator Mathias Cormann is widely expected to fall back on his second career as an Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonator whilst "Jovial Joe" Hockey may be forced to dispose of some of his portfolio of rental properties in order to continue to fund his penchant for hand rolled Cuban cigars. Alternatively, he may heed his own recent advice and seek to secure a well paid job.

As to Mr Abbott himself, the prospect of life on the back benches is unlikely to appeal and pundits are predicting an early exit from politics in order to spend more time with his $300K (excluding "extras") annual pension. Perhaps the denizens of Killarney Heights will once again be treated to the sight of our famous resident MAMIL (middle aged man in Lycra) pedalling furiously up the Starkey Street hill to prove he is still fit enough to overtake the Killarney Shuttle.

Vale Mr Tony. When will we see your like again? [Probably not any time soon. Ed.]

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Clear skies over Killarney

Hard to believe but this is a hand held shot of the moon from Killarney Heights.

Here's one taken with a tripod, not a big difference.

The air is so clear in Killarney I think it should be the site of the next telescope.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Sorrenti's Pizza of Killarney - opening night review

Opening on a Monday during the "coldpocalipse" is not perhaps the way to kick off an exciting new addition to our fine suburb but the good proprietors of Sorrenti's decided to do so, perhaps hoping for a soft start. The joint was jumping when I arrived at 6pm.

The friendly staff informed me that they've run a pizza place, somewhat larger, in North Sydney.  There are a few tables inside and more outside, heated with gas stand units.

I ordered the Supremo which was $17.50 for a generous size. The promised time of 15 minutes was rather optimistic and it actually took over 25 minutes to arrive. Perhaps the ovens are not calibrated quite yet?

The pizza base is quite thin - which I like. Generously covered with tasty ingredients and neither too salty nor too oily. After carrying it home there was a bit of a tendency to stick to the box but that might be due to leaving it a little too long.

Sorrenti's is in the Killarney shops next to the "shoe" shop. Check it out.


I'm happy to report that after a few opening night glitches, Sorrenti's Pizza is to be heartily recommended.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Excitement builds as Sorrenti's Pizza of Killarney's opening approaches

Just one more sleep until the red checked curtain opens!

A bottle of wine and a wood fired pizza right here in Killarney Heights - living the dream.

"Sale" at local shoe shop

The finance team at your local blog was shocked to learn that our local "shoe" shop is having a "sale".

As their advertising so clearly explains - "climb every mountain", "ford every stream". Don't quote marks nest, shouldn't it be "The Shoe Shop "Sale""?

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Picturesque Donegal Reserve slated for development - but what is the cost?

We have learned that the beautiful Donegal Reserve (not pictured here) is slated for development as it is "end of life", whatever that means.

It used to be a popular spot with the younger residents when it was equipped with a swing, a roundabout and see saws - all obvious death traps and rightly removed.

Currently the park is very popular with boat and trailer owners looking for somewhere to park.

But there is a problem - street numbering. The properties either side of the reserve are 12 and 14 so what number will the new development be? 12a perhaps, but there are better options. The editor proposes re-numbering the whole side of the street starting at 0.

Development options include a 20 or 40 story high rise, a high security prison, nuclear refinement facility, wind farm or public housing. It would make a fine platform entry for the new Killarney to Sydney underground rail link.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Killarney residents value fine journalism

A glance at the driveways in our suburb reveals the value we place on quality writing. Many households collect copies of the local paper for later study.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Bird and Cat elope

Does anyone else not see the obvious connection here?

My guess is that they've run away together.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Don't mess with success - original Killarney homes still selling

Spurning the trend of "knock down, re-build" that is blighting our fine traditional suburb, a home in Blarney Avenue, Killarney Heights - untouched since 1963 is on sale and expected to go for over a million.

One owner, Mr Kenneth Hall and his late wife Eileen left it in pristine condition including stunning floral patterned carpet.

In a few short years all these "sugar cube" style buildings will be pushed over and replaced with "ranch style" ultra-modern designs where we can park our 12 cylinder hot rods and be happy at last.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Bus stop beautification program begins on Starkey

It looks like a fantastic new program to beautify the bus stops of Killarney Heights has begun with little fanfare on Starkey street this week.

This well kept secret is clearly out. Can't wait for the rest of them to be done.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Killarney advanced driving class graduates

You've no doubt seen participants in the famous Killarney Heights advanced driving classes in our streets - zooming around, popping out of side streets, and skilfully negotiating the Melwood obstacle course.

The class of 2015 has graduated and the winner hit the finish line with great enthusiasm:

In past years the finish was a few doors down, next to the tennis centre. We look forward to safer streets in the years ahead, but beware on the footpaths.

June 2015 Update

It seems that a second class has just graduated a few doors away in the traditional manner:

Congratulations to all concerned.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Streets of fear

Disturbing news of a Killarney Crime Wave. This understated report from a pillar of our society, the Manly Daily:

Undoubtedly a Task Force is being assembled right now.

Update it seems that the police presence on our streets has been boosted. Here's the Starkey Street patrol seen today:

We can begin to sleep soundly again.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Local Member Survives Terrorist Attack

Mr Jimmy, a Killarney resident and observer of the political scene, writes..

The Rt Hon Tony Abbott, local MP and close friend of Prince Philip, was recovering in Canberra this morning after a vicious attack apparently instigated by two "wild Westies" from within his own party. In what appears to be a coordinated suicide mission by the backbenchers, the PM was ambushed and threatened with a "spill" once the party had worked out the process. Mr Abbott survived the unprovoked attack and emerged smiling and confident from the party room, surrounded by ecstatic supporters eager to say "nice things" about the Government when journalists call them, as instructed.

Hasta La Vista Baby

A good friend, Arnold Schwarzenneger impersonator and Finance Minister, Sen M Cormann was overheard saying "Say hello to my little friend". It's not clear if he was referring to the PM, although he did say that "Abbott's come from behind before" without being specific about what he was up to at the time.

Guidance From Above

In related news, Senator C Bernardi (Monster Raving Liberal Party) attributed the attack on our Dear Leader to a cabal of unnamed (except for M Turnbull) plotters and called for divine retribution, suggesting Mr Turnbull should be tarred and feathered, or  exiled to Manus Island, or at the very least go quietly. Since Mr Turnbull has pointedly said nothing throughout, he would seem to be doing the latter and as far as Manus is concerned, Mr S Morrison has advised Sen Bernardi that the venue is already overcrowded with blokes who speak funny.

Shortening Odds

Opposition leader Bill Shorten welcomed Mr Abbott's escape from friendly fire. Forget Paul Keating, he quipped, just wait until the next question time - my script writers are bound to have a few terrific one-liners teed up for me by then.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Explosion rocks Killarney Bus

It started as a normal quiet day in our fine suburb. The patrons gripping their Opal cards awaited the morning bus from Killarney that would take them to the city. Little did they know the drama that was about to unfold.

Weaving through the streets was fine, Eastern Valley Way was slow but steady, but on the approach to the Harbour Bridge, there was a loud bang from under the rear of the bus!

There was no choice by this time, with white knuckles the heroic driver gripped the wheel and we barrelled on towards our fate.

Customers looked anxiously at each other, a murmur went around the carriage - was it a tire blowing? we asked each other.

Still the bus travelled on. The rear Opal card readers booted up and crashed - normal operation.

Finally there was a small bay on the right of our lane and the driver, by now a hero in our eyes, pulled over and stood to address the crowd.

"Don't anybody get off or I'll be in big trouble" he muttered. He left the bus, walked slowly around and returned to the front. "A rear tire" he said.

The bus proceeded, a little slower than normal, first to Wynyard and then on to Town Hall where I evacuated - calmly.

I'm sure our driver will be knighted in next year's honours. Everyone was saved.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Suburb vandalised with Chinese flags overnight

In a clearly hostile move, (presumably) Chinese spies have gone on a long march through Killarney Heights overnight and decorated the place with unwanted flags of external origin.

I'm sure that Sir Brian Fairweather would be shocked if he learns of this travesty.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Giant rabbits invade suburb

The fox baiting has been a huge success but there's a small side effect.

As you see, rabbits have taken over our streets and they're not completely invisible. Beware!